Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of Lord Of The Flies - 1058 Words

In the popular novel, Lord of the Flies, there are many elements to the story that are not seen when just viewed from the surface. In order to understand these ideas, we have to dive deeper and really analyze the characters in the story. When you do this, a very important theme will arise and that is the very different personality types of the boys on the island. These personality types can be explained using Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality. His theory explains that there are three basic parts of personality; the id, the ego, and the superego. Everyone has a different combination of these three parts, which makes everyone’s personality different. In the novel, Jack is a character who has a lot of id in his personality.†¦show more content†¦He also sees hunting as a need, even though it is not. â€Å"You could have had everyone when the shelters were finished. But you had to hunt...You didn t ought to have let that fire out. You said you d kee p the smoke going... (Golding 100). He even goes out hunting and neglects to tend to the fire, which goes out, inhibiting Ralph from signaling a passing ship for their rescue. He went hunting and didn t think about the consequences of his actions. Lastly, Jack ambushes Ralph’s campsite in search of Piggy’s glasses because he needs them to make fire. He acted upon his first savage instinct instead of thinking through a solution that wouldn t hurt Ralph’s group. He could have just asked to borrow the glasses or a stick from Ralph’s fire, but instead he uses violence to hurt Ralph’s tribe and take away Piggy’s vision. Jack acts upon impulses and only wants to help himself and doesn t care about others. He also doesn t think about how his actions could have negative consequences for him or for others. For these reasons, Jack is a great representation of the id personality. The second personality type is the ego. Ralph is a character that demonstrates a lot of ego. According to Freud, â€Å"the ego is the rational, pragmatic part of our personality. It is less primitive than the id and is partly conscious and partly unconscious. It s what

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Business Portfolio Critical Thinking

Question: Describe about the Business Portfolio for Critical Thinking. Answer: Week 3 Portfolio: Critical Thinking Part A Critical Thinking In my opinion, critical thinking is the ability to think rationally and clearly. It is a reflection of ones own values and beliefs. Critical thinking is a way of putting own ideas rather than accepting others point of view (Halpern, 2014). I think that critical thinking is important because it promotes creativity. It allows us to come up with creative solutions and not just having new ideas. Such creativity is necessary in all fields such as work, study or even personal life. Critical thinking is important at work because it shall allow me to analyze a situation and generate optimal solution. It is important for the leaders to maintain effective leadership who are at management roles. The business leader must involve intellectual criticism and make better decisions for the organization. Critical thinking is also important at study as it shall help in becoming self-directed and independent learners. In the personal life, critical thinking holds an important place as it helps an individual to deal with their ego. It helps in reshaping the character and redefining the manner in which one sees things. Therefore, critical thinking is important in daily life (Carozza, 2013). Part B ICT professionals As stated earlier, critical thinking describes the analysis for a given situation. Critical thinking helps the individuals in making decisions and final judgment in situations. Critical thinking is important for the professionals in the field of information and communications technologies (ICT). Firstly, the field of ICT requires the individuals to think outside the box. Rather than accepting what already exists in the market, the professionals need to think out of the box so that they develop a new foundation in this field. For example, Steve Jobs, the late cofounder of Apple created a personal computer with no monitor, keyboard or mouse. Various other innovations such as iPod, Pixar, The Macintosh were also created by Apple (Teece, 2012). Secondly, ICT has a wider reach and both urban as well as rural populations can access it. Therefore, it is necessary for the professionals to apply critical thinking skills so that it can be used for benefit and convenience. For example, Educomp Solutions has revolutionized the way of education in India. It is the largest education company in India which utilized digital technology and making the best use of digital products. The company provides online solutions for government, tuition centres and tuitions that create a learning environment with the help of unconventional methods (Dharmakumar, 2013). Lastly, the professionals in ICT have bridged the digital divide and created ICT businesses that give the women a greater power to eliminate the gender wage gap. The cost of learning anywhere and at any time is fulfilled due to critical thinking and creating something unique (, 2016). References Carozza, L. (2013). A Review of Good Reasoning Matters! by Leo A. Groarke and Christopher Tindale.Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across The Disciplines,28(2), 60-63. Dharmakumar, R. (2013).Forbes India Magazine - The Rise and Fall of Retrieved 7 October 2016, from Halpern, D. (2014).Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Teece, D. (2012). Dynamic Capabilities: Routines versus Entrepreneurial Action.Journal Of Management Studies,49(8), 1395-1401.,. (2016).ICT as a powerful means to advance womens rights, empowerment and gender Retrieved 7 October 2016, from

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Divorce free essay sample

This paper supports arguments in favor of divorce by discussing the advantages of divorce for people who have not sustained a loving and partnering relationship. (more) Divorce free essay sample â€Å"Girls, we need to talk.† Her face was red, and she looked more nervous than I had ever seen her. â€Å"Are we in trouble?† my sister asked. Mom shook her head, and we waited for her to speak again. We must have looked like statues, unable to blink and fixed on each quiver of her lips. The words that came out of her mouth next would change not only her life forever, but ours as well. In March of 2003, my sister and I were packing to go to Virginia when my mom told us there would be an extra person coming. Her friend wanted a vacation and had offered to pay his way. Two weeks later, we were confronted with the truth. â€Å"Girls, we need to talk. Your father and I have grown to be like brother and sister over the past few years. We don’t love each other like we used to. We will write a custom essay sample on Divorce or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We’re getting a divorce.† My sister and I stared at her, thinking this couldn’t be happening. A few nights later she told us she had met someone with whom she felt she could get serious. â€Å"Get serious? It’s been two weeks. Serious is out of the question!† my sister and I screamed in horror. It turned out it was her friend from our Virginia trip. But, despite what we said, nothing was going to change. Soon after, I left for two weeks in Spain with my soccer team. Going away was a good escape and gave me time to think about everything and do what I love most. Halfway through the trip, I called home to see what was new. When I asked my mom what she was doing, she said she was painting. â€Å"Painting, what are you painting?† I asked. She was painting my sister’s new room. She had moved in with her â€Å"serious boyfriend,† whom I had met twice. My trip was officially ruined, and when I came home, I had to face moving in and painting my new room, too. Our lives have totally changed and I have become more mature, independent, reliable and much more interested in succeeding in school and soccer. When I was first told about the divorce, my grades dropped, my level of soccer play went down, and I was depressed. Junior year began, and I wasn’t going to let anything keep me from getting into the college of my choice. I stayed in shape, going to the gym every day so my soccer would be at my previous level. I studied and did my homework every night, raising my GPA. I turned my life around because I wanted to succeed for me. My sister took this change a lot harder because she had no escape. She was 13 when it happened, and she felt vulnerable and trapped. Nights when I wasn’t home with her, she would go to her room, close the door and only come out for food. She decided to take the path of rebellion and get in as much trouble as she could to show my mom how much she was hurting. It hurt me to see her pain. The nights I was home alone with her, I would make her dinner and make sure her homework was done. I had to become responsible for her and tell her right from wrong. In the beginning, she didn’t want to listen. She went to her friend’s house, a friend who was caught up with an older, drug-addicted crowd. My sister didn’t have the strength to say no or stand up for herself. One of those Saturday nights when she called I could tell she had been drinking. She had gotten sick and wanted to come home, but she couldn’t call my parents because she would be in the worst trouble of her life. I picked her up and told her this was the last time this was going to happen. It took almost eight months but she finally realized her mistakes and moved in with my father, which might make her happier and willing to make better decisions. My parents’ divorce was the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. Sure, our family holidays and dinners will never be the same, but now instead of one family, I have two. In both families I’m a daughter, but I am also a responsible 16-year-old who has gotten past the initial pain and am ready to take whatever comes my way.